50 cents from EVERY product sold helps Life of Pikelet provide life-saving
neo-natal and ongoing medical care for puppies born with birth defects.

Life of Pikelet is a rescue foster family, a registered business that functions for charitable purposes and a highly regarded social media influencer. But more than that, it’s a family.
Not just another pretty face on social media. Pikelet is a pup with a purpose! Once upon a time back in early 2013, a little red staffy pup found himself alone and on death row, sitting on the cold concrete floor of a cage at a Sydney council pound. How he ended up unwanted and unloved we’ll never know, but what happened next changed his and his now family’s life, forever.
A rescue organisation called Big Dog Rescue, quickly stepped in and took this little boy under their wing, contacting a foster family they knew would love and care for him. And that they did, and still do. Yep, his foster family soon became his forever home, falling in love with his playful, gentle nature and giving him a name, they knew would capture the essence of his sweetness, Pikelet.
Fast forward nine years later and Pikelet Butterwiggle is officially acclaimed worldwide as Australia’s premier Rescue Ambassadog and big Foster Brother Extraordinaire. Featured around the world in mainstream media, Pikelet’s star later rose to fame with his Penguin Random House published life memoirs “The Extraordinary Life of Pikelet” in May 2017. Everybody loves an underdog, and Pikelet truly is just that.
Living in Australia with his Ma and rescue pup siblings, spinster sister Blanche, wingmen little bros Patty Cakes, Pumpernickel, Papadum and Profiterole, lil' sisters Peanut Buttercup and Pamplemousse and then two beautiful sanctuary sisters fallow doe ‘Pony’ & dairy calf (who is now a giant full-grown cow) Paisley, this little family are working hard to change the stigma of what it means to be a ‘rescue’ animal here in Australia.
Using their social media channels, Pikelet and his equally charming little siblings are providing the world one silly, cute, funny, beautiful photo at a time, proving that ‘rescue’ doesn’t always mean ‘damaged’ or ‘broken’.
Together the Life of Pikelet family have successfully cared for and rehomed over 180 foster siblings and have assisted with the rehoming of hundreds more. They have also donated an excess of $230,000 to a wide range of animal rescues and charitable causes with the aim to donate so much more!
While Life of Pikelet Rescue has always taken a shine to the ‘under dog’ with many foster siblings who are differently abled, blind, deaf, tripaws etc, in early 2019 Life of Pikelet started to focus on a very under supported area of dog rescue; pups born with congenital birth anomalies, deformities, illness or injuries. This type of rescue work is so highly unique and sparsely covered that Life of Pikelet is one of only 4 rescue orgs in the whole of Australia that is focused and experienced in this type of neonatal and infant puppy rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming.
Having been a volunteer for Life of Pikelet for the past three years, our Top Dog has seen firsthand the life-saving work done every day by Pikey and his crew. As a former charity founder and CEO herself, she was also well aware how tough it can be to make ends meet. So she decided to do something about it. Since 1st September 2023 Life of Pikelet has received 50 cents from EVERY Bear + Kind product sold to suppawt the rescue and ongoing veterinary costs for the neo-natal puppies taken into care. It's not a lot but we're hoping it will start to add up over time.
To find out more about Life of Pikelet and how you can help visit them at