You might have noticed something different on our website lately. That’s because we’ve made some changes. Why? A couple of reasons.
We’re always on the lookout for new ways we can bring you the purest quality products out there. But we’re also pretty picky about how we package them. There are limited sustainable options available in Australia right now for liquid products. Ones that meet our standards anyway. You see, we don’t want to add any more plastic to the planet. And while materials such as aluminium and glass are recyclable, it requires a significant amount of energy to do so. Compostable or biodegradable packaging, however, requires little energy to recycle, and none to decompose. The added bonus is that it does not add to the plastic problem in our landfills or waterways. We like that a lot.
The second reason? Well, it has a lot to do with the pandemic and associated increases in shipping costs this past year. Glass is heavy. So it’s expensive to post… especially overseas (a standard 500ml bottle of shampoo costs close to $50 to send to the US). We wanted to find a way to package, protect and ship our products anywhere without having to pass on ridiculous shipping costs to our pawrents. So, we went back to the drawing board and came up with a solution that ticks all the boxes.
So what did we do? We replaced our glass bottles with cardboard. Yes, you heard right. Cardboard. How you ask? Our full range of shampoos are now available in 130g shampoo bars and packaged in Kraft cardboard boxes. All the same pure essential oil blends you know and love, the same nourishing, quality ingredients, packed up in a box. We love that. We are now proudly one of the only Aussie pet grooming brands who use compostable or biodegradable product packaging exclusively.
We’ve also formulated more balms to match… the Get Off My Back Bitey (Flea) Balm with peppermint, lavender and neem to fight off those pesky bitey things, and Down Boy Refreshing Balm with mandarin and lime to gently exfoliate dry skin and cracked paws. We’ve also been working on a new balm just for all the pale-faced puppers out there that we think you’ll love. Our new Sunny Side Up Sun Protection Balm is coming very soon. It’s organic, as you’d expect, and 100% free from harmful yet common sunscreen ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. It’s completely natural and non-toxic so it’s 100% lick safe.
While we were at it, we thought we would rethink our soaks and bath treatment products. We’ve reformulated our There There Pet Soothing Skin Soak for irritated skin and sore paws, featuring the natural goodness of organic oats, calendula and carrots. We’ve also developed a new coat mask in the Shiny Happy Pupper range with coconut milk and banana to boost shine and moisture. We love coming up with new product ideas and testing new ingredients. We are looking into dropping some seasonal shampoo bars as well, packed with the same fresh goodies we love to use. If ever you think of a product or ingredient you would like to see in the range, drop us a line. We’d love to hear from you.
Before we sign off, we’ve made one more change we want to tell you about. Because we love our pawrents and all our pet friends, we’ve made an upgrade. Our member discount originally made available to our very impawtent email subscribers, has been increased to 20%. And even better, you can use it whenever you purchase. Just enter your email address at and we will send you your discount code. You can use it on our website at or on our Etsy shop at And stay tuned on Instagram and Facebook over the coming weeks for your chance to win a sustainable grooming product pack with all the best goodies!
That's it for now... stay safe, and give your pup a squeeze for me. Love and licks, Sherry & Bear xxx